Concept work + Blender Mockups for use in the short comic "The World According to Cornflower Mouse"

Exploration of Cornflower's watercolor desk

Blender Mockup of Cornflower's desk

Ideation for Cornflower's Watercolor case

Blender Mockup for Cornflower's watercolor case

Additional Character ideation

Concept work + Blender Mockups for use in the Webcomic "Wabi Sabi"
Pokemon Mystery dungeon webcomic. These concepts are explorations of the guild and local town.
This comic is no longer hosted online but you can find the archive here
This comic is no longer hosted online but you can find the archive here

Concept work done for the webcomic "Wabi Sabi"

Blender Mockup in accordance with the concept art for the "Main Hall"

Concept work for the webcomic "Wabi Sabi"

"Guild Sleeping quarters" mockup in Blender

Direct paintover using mockup

Application in final comic

Concept work done for the webcomic "Wabi Sabi"

Blender Mockup of the reciving room for the guild in "Wabi Sabi"

Miscellaneous concept work done for personal projects

"Hangar Queen"